New Jersey Parents for Virtual Choice is running out of time to make virtual learning a permanent option for our children, and we need your help now more than ever. Despite the success of virtual education in thirty-five other states, New Jersey still hasn't adopted a permanent model.
The clock is ticking, and without the critical support of engaged parents and donors, we risk losing this opportunity for our children.
We know that a diverse range of educational options, including virtual learning, is crucial for every family. But to make this a reality, we need a strong, united voice and the resources to push this forward. The time to act is now. Your involvement—whether through sharing your story, mobilizing other parents, or contributing financially—is essential in making sure our children aren’t left behind.
The future of education in New Jersey depends on us coming together and demanding change. Help us ensure every student has the option to learn in the environment that works best for them. Together, we can make virtual learning a permanent choice in New Jersey’s public school system
January 25,2025
The 2025 New Jersey Education Expo
School choice is not about politics; it’s about providing every child the opportunity to thrive in an educational environment that works best for them, regardless of their background or zip code

On January 26, 2024, we arrived on a Friday, in the rain at the War Memorial. The first ever New Jersey School Choice Expo was a success, and we look forward to the next.
"Any reason is the right reason."

Time to make a difference
"Any reason is the right reason."

Why is a Virtual Choice important to us?

We need this for many reasons. Some kids learn better with less distractions, because bullying is a problem, mental health issues or immunity issues, other health issues like severe food allergies and schools still suck at making fair accommodations for these children, and because we parents should have a say and option!
Anonymous Family
My son has a mental disability and we are unable to afford an online school. Most every other state offers free virtual learning. This is ridiculous that NJ won't help us! I AGREE everyone with any disability should have access to free virtual learning!
Anonymous, Ewing Twp, NJ
My son has been bullied and treated as the problem after nothing was done about the bullying. He's been in crisis twice this last school year and the district made him jump through hoops to be able to get back into school. I'm just trying to do what's best for him.
Anonymous, Mount Holly, NJ
Before & After Virtual School - Ian
Before & After Virtual School -- Ian
Before: Ian was bullied, got suspended, and was even sent to the hospital for an emergency psychiatric screening. Eventually his parents found him a special ed school with a smaller setting, but it was not the right fit and Ian continued to struggle. The school system was failing him.
After: Ian is thriving in the virtual setting. He learns better without the distractions of other students, his sensory issues, his anxiety, or other issues interfering. He has had perfect attendance and participation and perfect grades through this year of virtual school. Ian now has more time to pursue music – his passion! – and he has positive social interactions with his bandmates.
Ian has always struggled with the traditional in-person school setting. Families should have a choice in what works best for our children’s education!
Many other states have permanent free public virtual school options. When will New Jersey get with the times and join them? New Jersey needs to offer a virtual choice.

Which story are you?
Tell us your story
“My daughter has a rare genetic syndrome that involves a compromised heart, lungs, and immune system. She is too young to be vaccinated (and a vaccine might not even produce antibodies for her) and her team of specialists agrees that in-person school is unsafe for her. She has an IEP and would lose services if I had to pull her out of the district and homeschool her. Her sisters are also too young to be vaccinated and have been attending remote school as well. Sending them back in person would jeopardize her health.”
33 states have permanent free public virtual school options. When will New Jersey get with the times and join them? New Jersey needs to offer a Virtual Choice!
If you'd like us to share your story, please send us an email at We will post quotes anonymously unless you choose to use your name. It's your choice!
Get in Touch
New Jersey Parents for Virtual Choice is committed to helping parents obtain Virtual Learning. Questions, comments or special requests? We’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to reach out today. Your contact request is confidential.